Claflin University will host its UNCF-Mellon Faculty Teaching and Learning Institute on July 11-13, 2023, in the Jonas T. Kennedy Health and Wellness Center. Titled “Publishing 200: How to Sustain Publications for HBCU Humanities Faculty Members in a Post-Covid-19 Era,” the event is funded by a $30,000 grant from UNCF-Mellon. Dr. Peggy S. Ratliff, professor of English and interim chair of the Department of English, and Dr. Mitali P. Wong, professor of English and special assistant to the Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, are the project’s principal co-investigators.
Fifteen faculty members representing nine HBCUs have been selected to participate in the institute, which recognizes the need for continued research and publication in their disciplines for HBCU faculty to remain effective teachers of majors, minors, and graduate students. This year’s program will offer stimulating workshops with HBCU faculty scholars who continue to sustain publications over many years.
Workshop leaders will share strategies for planning, selecting avenues of peer-reviewed publications, setting realistic timelines for completing manuscripts, and collaborating to speed up and sustain publications. Faculty research and publications help to enhance course content and teaching. In addition to the co-PIs, three external consultants, three faculty members from Claflin University, and two publishers will present workshops at this institute. An online research consortium will be formed to sustain collaboration between participating institutions and their partners.