FLORIDA MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY CELEBRATES ITS 2021 HONORS AND AWARDS For The First Time, The Annual Program Was Livestreamed And In-Person

March 17, 2021, Miami Gardens, FL- Florida Memorial University held its annual Honors and Awards
Ceremony both in person and digitally. This year’s theme was Celebrating The Pursuit of Excellence.
Kilan C. Ashad-Bishop (she/her) was yesterday’s keynote speaker. She is a biomedical scientist and
advocate for inclusion who has carved her niche at the intersection of science, health, and social change.
She is a proud alumna of Morgan State University, where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology,
and the University of Miami, where she earned her Ph.D. in Cancer Biology. Kilan is currently a
postdoctoral researcher in the University of Miami School of Education and Human Development and
the Inaugural Director of the First Star National STEAM Academy. Her professional experience spans
academic research, policy, and the nonprofit and private sectors, but her goal remains to improve the
health and well-being of communities of color.
Jaquel Perry, student and Dr. Tameka Bradley Hobbs, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs,
IRoar Program
”Today was special because it was broadcast for the benefit of our students who were away from
campus, some in the Bahamas, as a way to honor and engage them. It added a new layer to the logistics
and the planning. We asked students to send in headshots so we could incorporate them into the
presentation. We wanted to be as creative as we could to bridge this distance in this virtual
environment,” said Dr. Tameka Hobbs, Associate Provost, FMU.
Dr. Jacqueline Hill, Dean of the
School of Education at FMU said,
“Honors and Awards Day was an
opportunity to showcase academic
excellence and resilience despite
Dr. Hill proceeded to discuss how
these students demonstrated their
mastery in overcoming challenges