Happy Juneteenth from CBCF
As we celebrate the commemorative ending of slavery in the United States, we reflect on the contributions of African Americans to this country. Black lives helped build this nation and Black lives will help carry it forward. We matter! Today, we are reminded of how far we’ve come as a people, yet how far we still have to go. Last week, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. (CBCF) announced the National Racial Equity Initiative for Social Justice (NREI) in response to the historically unleve led playing field for minorities, and the recent protests and police killings of unarmed African Americans. CBCF will place Social Justice Policy Fellows in the U.S. Congress for two years; establish social justice scholarships for students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities; and advance racial equity and human rights in research, data, analysis, and public policy related to criminal justice reform. On this Juneteenth, while we look back and pay homage to our beloved ancestors, let us also look forward to and support our future leaders. Please support CBCF’s scholarships or consider sponsoring young people pursuing higher education and careers in social justice. The mission goes on.