Kenyan delegation visits DSU

A delegation from the African country of Kenya visited DSU recently to meet with University officials and explore possible future collaborations.

Gov. Cornel A. Rasanga of Siaya County, Kenya and other officials that came with him met at DSU on April 3 with Provost Tony Allen, along with Dr. Dyremple Marsh, dean of the College of Agriculture and Related Sciences; Dr. Samuel Besong, chair of the Department of Human Ecology; and Dr. Marikis Alvarez, associate dean of research.

The Kenya and University officials discussed building on collaborations DSU established with several Kenyan universities during a visit to that country by Dr. Besong and Dr. Rose Ogutu, DSU horticulture specialist, in the spring of 2017.

The officials discussed collaborations that could provide DSU expertise and help improve agriculture production, processing and food security.

Siaya County and DSU officials plan to continue working toward a formalized collaboration agreement.