By: U.S. Department of Education

The Americas Competitiveness Exchange (ACE)1. What is ACE? The Americas Competitiveness Exchange (ACE) is the Premier Economic Development, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Network of the Americas and one of the Organization of American States’ (OAS) high-level flagship events.2. Who convenes ACE Ecuador. ACE Ecuador is convened by the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries of the Government of Ecuador, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, the Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the Organization of American States (OAS), and the OAS as RIAC Technical Secretariat. 3. Who supports ACE? The ACE was created and is supported by the OAS and the Government of the United States, through the Department of Commerce [Economic Development Administration (EDA) and the International Trade Administration (ITA)] and the Department of State/Permanent Mission of the United States to OAS. 4. When and where will the program take place? ACE will take place in Ecuador from November 13 to 17, 2022. The official program will start in the city of Quito on Sunday, November 13 and will end on Thursday, November 17 in the city of Guayaquil.  5. What profiles are usually selected? Top level decision-makers who are contributing to economic development in their cities, regions, and communities are invited to apply.  6. What is the planned agenda? Selected participants will be able to visit and connect with 15+ innovation hubs in Quito and Guayaquil and learn from more than 40 best practices and projects related to economic and business development, technological transformation, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the cities of Quito and Guayaquil.  Selected participants will also be able to connect with other global and regional leaders selected to participate in the program, as well as with authorities and officials from Ecuador, the OAS, and the U.S. Government – Department of Commerce and Department of State. 7. What would be the main thematic areas?AgroindustryBusiness Development and EntrepreneurshipFishery IndustryConservation and SustainabilityCircular EconomyInfrastructureEnergyTransformative Technologies8. How much does it cost to participate? There is no registration fee. The organizers will provide transportation to selected participants by bus from site-to-site while visiting Quito’s and Guayaquil’s economic development ecosystems, top sites, and projects.  The organizers will also provide the internal flight between Quito and Guayaquil. Meals during the official program and all technical and logistical preparation for the event will also be offered.  Selected participants are responsible to book and cover for their hotel accommodation in the ACE selected hotels and the cost of their flight to and from Ecuador.Limited funding is available to partially support a few high-level decision makers, either with flight or hotel.

NIH logoNational Institute of Health Navigating Early Career Funding Opportunities- Thursday, September 15, 20221:00 PM – 3:30 PM ETAre you ready to transition to a fully independent position as an investigator, faculty member, clinician scientist, or scientific team member? The NIH is committed to investing in early-stage investigators who are focused on establishing themselves as experts in their chosen research areas. With numerous Fellowships and Career Development Award types, how do you know which is the right one for your research and career goals? Our experts will provide an overview of opportunities, discuss how networking and mentoring can strengthen your chances for success, and show you where to find resources to help you along the way.These events officially kick off the NIH Grants Conference  2022-2023 season, culminating with the 2-day Grants Conference in February.Other pre-conference events that may be of interest (details coming soon to the NIH Grants Conference site):Research Misconduct and Integrity – October 14Foreign Collaborations: Policies, Processes and Partnerships – November 9Human Subjects Research: Policies, Clinical Trials, and Inclusion – December 6-7ONE REGISTRATION. ALL-ACCESS. NO COST.  Register one time to gain access to all virtual preconference events, the 2-day conference, and valuable resources.Please direct questions about these events to

NASA logoNational Aeronautics in Space Administration The time is here to start forming a team for the next iteration of NASA MITTIC! The Minority University Research & Education Project (MUREP) Innovation and Tech Transfer Idea Competition (NASA MITTIC) is a spinoff challenge established to develop new ideas for commercialization by seeking proposals from multi-disciplinary student teams enrolled at minority serving institutions (MSIs). This challenge provides the unique opportunity to advance the world of tomorrow, and the Artemis Generation, by building new and advanced commercial products from NASA-created technology. Contact us about scheduling a personalized session, exclusively geared to faculty and/or students at your institution (virtual vs in-person session options with the MITTIC team vary by location). Here are some of the new changes for the coming competition cycles: NASA MITTIC is now offering two opportunities to compete: Fall or Spring.  Proposals for NASA MITTIC Fall are accepted from August 17, 2022, through October 26, 2022.  Proposals for NASA MITTIC Spring are accepted from January 3, 2023, through March 15, 2023.  Teams are now able to use any NASA Intellectual Property (IP) from the patent portfolio as the basis for their spinoff concept. A list of 45 suggested technologies can be found on our website but a NASA MITTIC proposal may utilize any NASA IP. We no longer require prerequisites or training courses to be completed before a team may submit a proposal for the competition. However, teams who complete and submit proof of their training will receive additional points on their submitted proposal. NASA MITTIC is a unique spinoff challenge that utilizes NASA’s unique STEM resources in concert with business and entrepreneurial skills. It is a great opportunity to engage with NASA technology, experts, businesses, and partners.  To get started on your NASA MITTIC journey, visit our website.  -OR- Join us for our open office hours every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 p.m. CDT, on Microsoft Teams. We are looking forward to receiving your team’s proposal! NASA MITTIC is your #SpaceToPitch 

NASA logoNASA SBIR IGNITEThe NASA SBIR Ignite Solicitation is now open through September 1, 2022! This exciting new funding opportunity is a way for small businesses that have a commercially-viable technology idea to use NASA as a stepping stone in their path towards commercial success. With a greater emphasis on commercialization, SBIR Ignite funds U.S. early-stage, high-risk technology development to help make companies and their technologies more attractive to private sector investors, customers, and partners.Topics in the solicitation include: Technologies Using NASA Data to Foster Climate ResilienceEnabling technologies for the development of a robust Low-Earth Orbit EconomyElectric and Hybrid Electric Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Aircraft in the 1500 to 5000 lbs. size classLow-Cost Photovoltaic Arrays for SpacePoint-of-use Recycling for Optimized Space-Age LogisticsCommercial Development of Active Debris Remediation (ADR) ServicesWe encourage you to learn more:, view the webinar available here:, review the solicitation:, and submit a proposal: