By: U.S. Department of Education

National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNOAA’s FY23 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Notice of Funding Opportunity is now open. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) invites qualified small businesses to submit proposals for research and development of highly innovative technologies that have strong commercial potential and fit within the NOAA mission areas. Topics for this year’s solicitation include 1) Extreme Events and Cascading Hazards, 2) Coastal Resilience, 3) The Changing Ocean, 4) Water Availability, Quality, and Risk, 5) Effects of Space Weather, and 6) Monitoring and Modeling for Climate Change Mitigation. To be eligible to submit a Phase I application, small businesses must submit a required Letter of Intent via this form by January 13, 2023. NOAA Phase I SBIR awards provide up to $175,000 with up to a six (6) month period of performance for conducting feasibility and proof of concept research, with a tentative award start date of August 1, 2023. NOAA’s SBIR Program will hold an informational webinar on December 13th at 1:00 pm (ET), which will include an opportunity for attendees to ask questions. Please register for the webinar HERE. For more information on this solicitation, visit the NOAA SBIR website or contact the NOAA SBIR Program via email at

labor logoU.S. Department of LaborNew grant opportunities for HBCU from the Department of Labor. Nursing Expansion Grant ProgramCloses: January 6, 2023Plain Language Fact SheetWebinar Training for Prospective ApplicantsPress Release: US Department of Labor announces $80M funding opportunity to help train, expand, diversify nursing workforce; address shortage of nurses | U.S. Department of Labor ( Please see the Fact Sheet linked here, or view the full Funding Opportunity Announcement on general resources and information on DOL grants, please go to 7, 2023Fact SheetPress Release: US Department of Labor announces $90M funding opportunity to support delivery of academic, skills training, employment services for young people | U.S. Department of Labor ( see a Fact Sheet linked here, or view the full Funding Opportunity Announcement on”