National and Federal Opportunities for the week ending May 8th!

COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel
Protecting Civil Rights While Responding to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
The Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights issued the attached statement, Protecting Civil Rights While Responding to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). We ask that you widely distribute the Assistant Attorney General’s statement to your colleagues, recipients, and contacts in state and local government to ensure that the message is heard: civil rights laws and their implementing regulations remain in effect and will be vigorously enforced during a public health emergency.
Student Opportunities
National Institutes of Health
Join the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on May 13 from 11-12:30PM EST to discuss student internship opportunities. Register Here

U.S. Department of Agriculture
USDA Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement Student Employment Training
The USDA is hosting a webinar open to all students preparing for federal internships and professional careers.
For more information, please view the flyer: student-employment-training-flyer.pdf

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Professional Opportunities for student Workforce to Experience Research (HS-POWER) Program
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate Office of University Programs sponsors the Professional Opportunities for student Workforce to Experience Research (HS-POWER) Program. HS-POWER is looking for undergraduate and graduate students ready to develop the skills necessary to begin building a Homeland Security career. Learn alongside DHS subject matter experts at business, industry, and government facilities conducting research in DHS-relevant areas to help you be workforce-ready at graduation!

Biologist Positions Announced! Application Deadline May 11
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced dozens of Fish & Wildlife Biologist vacancies (GS-7/9 and GS-11) across the United States in Ecological Services Field Offices, National Wildlife Refuges, Private Lands/Partners for Fish & Wildlife Offices, Regional Offices, Fish & Wildlife Conservation Offices, Marine Mammals Program Office, and Migratory Birds Offices. Qualification requirements are listed in each vacancy announcement.
Click here to view the vacancy announcements.
Students interested in wildlife conservation and stewardship are encouraged to apply for our paid internships through our partnership organizations. Opportunities with FWS and other conservation agencies throughout the country can be found on the following partner’s websites:
- Student Conservation Association
- American Conservation Experience*
- Hispanic Access Foundation/MANO Project*
*You will need to use the agency filter to see our internships offered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Click Here to Enter the Competition!
Ready, Set, Create Your Art!
Hello young people, parents, and PHA staff. We hope that you are faring well during the COVID-19 crisis. Given that many remain under stay-at-home orders, we wanted to help get young people up and moving to ease the boredom by doing something unique and creative. Consider painting, drawing, sketching, or photography, and enter the first ever HUD Public and Indian Housing Youth Art Competition. (PIHArt).
It’s easy! Simply encourage youth to submit their artwork (existing or new) through a photo image using the email. The HUD team will then review and judge all entries to select winners. The winners will be recognized, along with their artworks through HUD social media (pending parental consent).
While you are being creative, encourage youth and households to also make their own face mask. It’s a fun way to be safe and create wearable art–how cool! This video tutorial will assist you with making a face mask. Youth can also include their wearable art as an entry in the competition.
Let your minds and hands create!
National and Federal Opportunities

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EEOC is hiring!!
Statistician, GS-1530-12, Washington, DC.
Statistician, GS-12, Washington, DC.
Statistician, GS-1530-12, Washington, DC.
Supervisory Legal Admin Specialist (Contact Representative), GS-901-9/11, Kansas City, KS.
Supervisory Legal Admin Specialist (Contact Representative), GS-901-9/11, Kansas City, KS
U.S. Department of Treasury: Internal Revenue Service

SAVE THE DATE – VITA/TCE Grant Application Overview Webcast – May 15, 2020 1:00pm EST
It is time once again for the VITA/TCE grant application period which opens May 1 and closes June 1, 2020. The Grant Program Office is hosting a webcast for any returning grant recipients and potential applicants. This discussion will cover eligibility requirements, key changes in the application process and resources that will assist with the preparation of the application.
SPEC extends this invitation to partners to join the webcast (Friday, May 15, 2020, 1:00PM EST). View the presentation here. See the link below to register.
Webcast URL:
Prior to attending the webcast, SPEC encourages all participants to review the attached presentation and visit the Grants website on at TCE Grant and VITA Grant. If you have questions, forward them in advance to