National Needs Fellowship Program

The NNF is for individuals interested in pursuing a master’s degree in forestry and environmental resources. The program includes fully funded assistantships and opportunities to work with a forest industry partner, non-profit agency, or government agency. 

Minimum qualifications for the program include a B.S. degree in biology, chemistry, soil science, forestry, environmental science, ecology, natural resources, or a related discipline. 

The program seeks to develop a cohort of diverse students and strongly encourage applications from students traditionally underrepresented (e.g., African American, Hispanic, Native Americans, etc.) in forestry and forestry related fields. 

The NNF Program will be hosting an info session tomorrow, Friday, December 11 at noon EST. To register for the session, go to 

Deadline for applying Fall 2021 is March 1, 2021 with a preferred submission date of January 15, 2021. 

NNF application form at 

NNF Program website at  

NC State University website at 

Seasonal Biologist & Park Ranger Positions

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced HUNDREDS of Biological Science Technician (GS-4/5/6/7), Park Ranger (Visitor Services) (GS-3/4/5/7), and Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) Leaders (GS-4/5) across the United States. Qualification requirements are listed in the vacancy announcement. 

Use the links below to view the vacancy announcements for: