New Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) Grants Support STEM & CS

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos awarded more than $20 million in new funding tosupport innovative teacher preparation models that prepare prospective andnew teachers to serve students in high-need schools. Under the TeacherQuality Partnership (TQP) program, the Department of Education made 31awards totaling $20.1 million. Recipients include more than two dozenschool districts, institutions of higher education (IHEs) and nonprofitorganizations.Over two-thirds of the funded projects are specifically designed to betterprepare teachers for teaching STEM and computer science, includinginnovative ideas such as enabling teachers to earn micro-credentials inthe field of computer science. Nearly half of the funded projects willtake place in a Qualified Opportunity Zone (seehere []for more about Opportunity Zones. See new grantees here [].