Students react during the graduation ceremony of the 2010 class at Hampton University in Virginia May 9, 2010. U.S. President Barack Obama delivered the commencement address at the graduation and was conferred an honorary doctor of laws degree. REUTERS/Jason Reed (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS EDUCATION IMAGES OF THE DAY) - RTR2DNV8

By: U.S. Department of Education

Langston University

INVITATION TO APPLY FOR POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP at LU-RRTC: ADVANCED REHABILITATION RESEARCH TRAINING (ARRT) PROGRAM. The LU-ARRT Program is pleased to invite individuals, especially those with disabilities, who have earned a doctorate from a MSI or predominantly White institution (PWI), current doctoral candidates (must graduate before beginning fellowship) at MSIs or PWIs, and current MSI-based faculty members interested in disability and employment research to apply to participate in the post-doctoral fellowship. We strongly encouraged individuals with disabilities to apply. Please click here for the flyer. We are particularly interested in recruiting candidates who have a strong desire to obtain an academic faculty or research position at a minority-serving institution upon completion of the fellowship program. Fellowship slots are available to start March/April 2023.


  • Salary and benefits package- annual salary with full health benefits
  • Peer-to-Peer multiple research mentorship opportunity with scientific panel mentors
  • Research agenda start-up package- i.e., study participant honorariums/fellow research travel
  • Peer reviewed publications
  • Present research findings at national rehabilitation related conferences

HOW TO APPLY: Review of applications will begin February 15, 2023. Application packets must be submitted by to the attention of Dr. Corey L. Moore, LU-RRTC, 6700 N. Martin Luther King Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. For an application packet or additional information, please contact Dr. Moore at 405-530-7530 or by email at Applications can also be downloaded by clicking on the following link: 

labor logoU.S. Department of LaborVacancy Announcement – Labor Investigator – Recent GraduatePathways Recent Grad Announcement #: PW-23-DAL-OLMS-010 Area of Consideration/Who may apply: Recent Graduates – Individuals who have graduated from an accredited educational institute or certificate program within the last 2 years, or 6 years for Veterans. Students who are expected to graduate within 30 days of the closing date of this announcement may apply.  See JOA for additional information on eligibility requirements.Direct Link:

USFW logoU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceApply Now for the USFWS 2023 Directorate Fellow Program (DFP) OpportunitiesYou are invited to apply for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) 2023 Directorate Fellows Program (DFP).  DFP Purpose & Goal. FWS is partnering with Hispanic Access Foundation; Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS); and Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program (DDCSP) to implement the 2023 DFP.   DFP is for students interested in conservation careers and positions that support FWS mission to work with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.  DFP is designed to attract highly talented and diverse students into FWS fellowships, with particular attention to women and groups underrepresented in our workforce, including but not limited to African American/Black, Alaska Native, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islanders, and students with disabilities.Selected students participate in a paid 12-week summer Fellowship program which includes a week-long orientation followed by 11 weeks of 40-hour work in remote or in-person positions, as designated in each position description. Fellows who successfully complete their summer program, then subsequently complete their undergraduate or graduate degree, have a 2-year eligibility during which FWS can directly hire them into a full-time, permanent position. Am I Eligible to Apply? To be eligible for the DFP program, you must meet the following requirements: Current students: undergraduate rising seniors, undergraduate seniors who will not graduate prior to September 2023, or enrolled or current graduate students. Students graduating in May 2023 or June 2023 are ineligible to participate in DFP unless they provide verification that they have been accepted for enrollment in an undergraduate or graduate program by February 1, 2023.Cumulative GPA:  3.0 or higher U.S. Citizen or National Age 17 or older  Available for 12 consecutive weeks during summer 2023 (1 week orientation plus 11-week fellowship) Male students born after 1959 must be registered with the Selective ServiceAbility to pass a background check What Are Some Key Benefits of the DFP? Refer to announcement for full description of benefits$680.00 weekly stipend for 12 weeks of full-time work (1 Orientation Week plus an 11-week Fellowship) Housing provided or housing stipends provided in select locations  Option for health insurance coverage during the 12-week program   Remote and In-person positions available (see position descriptions for details)  Travel expenses to/from the FWS’ National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV for a 1-week orientation Fellows may be eligible for a permanent position in the FWS after successfully completing their fellowship and degree requirements  How Do I Apply? Click This Link for access to the full description of the DFP Program opportunities and application instructions that are located on the Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF) webpage.  HAF is the administrative partner for the 2023 DFP. Please follow the application instructions to ensure submission of complete application package.Students will be able to select up to 10 positions that you are interested in. Please direct all questions on the DFP opportunities and application process to the HAF POCs listed on the website.  Note: The open period for acceptance of applications to DFP will end on January 13, 2023 at 11:59pm.  Apply Now!

Transportation logo North Carolina Department of TransportationThe NCDOT’s HBCU/MSI Transportation Scholarship is accepting applications through December 21, 2022. Scholarships in the amount of $1500 will be awarded for the spring 2023 semester to students currently enrolled at a North Carolina HBCU or MSI. You can access the application portal here: additional information, please reach out to Ashley Houston at

GSA logoGeneral Services AdministrationWe are excited to announce that the GSA Office of Evaluation Sciences (OES) is accepting applications for the 2023 Fellowship. All fellowship positions will be remote and location flexible within the United States. Fellows will serve at least a one-year term, with availability to serve additional years preferred.OES is a team of interdisciplinary experts that works across the federal government to help agencies build and use evidence. We partner with federal agencies to answer priority questions with rigorous evaluation methods and administrative data. We design and conduct impact evaluations of programs and evidence-based program changes. To date, OES has completed nearly 100 impact evaluations with dozens of agency partnersOur evaluations, in collaboration with agency partners, span areas such as increasing environmental protection, supporting equitable delivery of the American Rescue Plan, improving public health outcomes, and increasing educational opportunity. Join the OES team if you are interested in working closely with key decision makers in government and evaluating promising interventions at a national scale! Learn more about the OES Fellowship here.Annual Fellowship Federal DetailsTeam members work alongside agency collaborators to make concrete recommendations on how to improve government and evaluate impact using administrative data. Deadline: Wednesday, January 11, 2023. 

Energy LogoU.S. Department of EnergyTechnology Commercialization Internship Now Accepting Applications. The Office of Technology Transitions Technology Commercialization Internship is a unique paid opportunity for undergraduate STEM and business students to explore and contribute to advances at the intersection of business and innovative clean energy technologies. Interns undergo intensive training as they join the world-class National Laboratory sys. tem, boost entrepreneurial thinking, and explore market opportunities.This internship focuses on the business side of technology commercialization where interns will learn skills such as customer discovery, value propositions development, and market sizing. Students will be paired with cutting edge technologies at National Labs in fields spanning machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science, biofuels, and more.Apply before Jan. 16, 2023Request for Information: Accelerating Innovations in Emerging Technologies. The Office of Science invites interested parties to provide input relevant to developing approaches for:Accelerating innovations in emerging technologies to drive scientific discovery to sustainable production of new technologies across the innovation continuumTraining a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce to support 21st century industriesMeeting the nation’s needs for abundant clean energy, a sustainable environment, and national security.Respond by Dec. 23, 2022.

Energy LogoSCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Critical Materials Institute Course, January 23-24, 2023, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, COThe Critical Materials Institute leadership academy is organizing a short course on fundamentals, applications, and supply chain of rare earth elements. See Brochure HereThe course will take place in person at the Colorado School of Mines on January 23 – 24, 2023.The objective of the course is to engage emerging and early career professionals in discussions of and solutions for clean energy technologies in the context of critical rare earth elements. This course will focus on the fundamentals and applications of rare earth permanent magnets through the wholistic lens of market and economy. Course outline and registration information are available in the brochure.The attendants of the course are students, postdocs, and researchers from academia, national labs, industries, and government organizations. The class is limited to 50 attendants. Scholarships are available to cover travel expense.

Mickey LeelandU.S. Department of EnergyU.S. Department of Energy’s Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship
: Undergraduate and Graduate Students Who Are U.S. Citizens
Application Deadline: Jan. 16, 2023Application Link:
Contact: mlef@hq.doe.govThe U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program is currently accepting applications for their Summer 2023 program. This 10-week summer research fellowship is for undergraduate and graduate students in STEM majors seeking to gain experience in energy research. Participants complete a cutting edge research project at one of DOE’s national laboratories or at DOE headquarters under the mentorship of our scientists and engineers. Stipend provided. Participants may be eligible to receive travel and housing assistance.