The first Voorhees graduating class celebrates 50 years

Denmark, S.C.- Voorhees College is proud to announce the first college graduating class of 1968 is in reunion.
In celebration of the golden class, they recently participated in the 121st Founders Day Convocation and marched in the May commencement ceremony. The Golden Class of 1968 will attend the 2018 Opening Fall Convocation and collaborate on reunion activities during Homecoming 2018.
Golden class alumnus Lenny Springs said 50 years later he still connects with the institution and some of his life-long friends he met while back in school. He said the reunion is special and important to their class because it is an historic moment.
“This is an exciting time for Voorhees as they recognize our class as the first four-year graduating class. 50 years later we are here and able to celebrate at Voorhees because the institution has withstood through the test of times,” Springs said.
When the class of 1968 graduated, they presented as a senior gift the Ebenezer that sits on the Greek yard on Academic Circle. The Ebenezer is derived from the Bible and signifies laying down a strong foundation, which Voorhees founder Elizabeth Evelyn Wright set out to do when establishing an institution of education for African-Americans.
“We love our Dear Old Voorhees, and we hope the classes to follow will continue to carry the torch, be a beacon of hope, and reach back to Voorhees. We are setting the standards high as we raise money for the presidential scholarship fund,” Springs said.
For more information concerning the golden class reunion, contact Ulysses Williams, director of alumni affairs, at (803) 780-1062 or