“The Let Freedom Ring Foundation” Celebrates Their Second Annual Gala!

By: HBCU Staff
The Let Freedom Ring Foundation gives support to discovering the history and telling the stories of free and enslaved African Americans. The foundation is associated with the First Baptist Church in Williamsburg, Virginia. Giving the voiceless a voice, the untold stories of those who lived, worked, and worshiped in Williamsburg are told by the foundation. The church holds and protects historically significant artifacts from as far back as 1776, such as the 1886 Freedom Bell.
This year the foundation held its Second Annual, “The Let Freedom Ring Foundation” Gala. Along with the attendance of 600 guests, more than 30 VIPs from the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation were present. Other special guests included Senator Mamie Locke and W&M President Katerine Row. With musical entertainment from Peter White, Vincent Ingala, Eric Valentine, Chris Geith, David Dyson, and Kevin David as a celebrity host, the gala was a joyous occasion.
Connie Matthews Harshaw, President of Let Freedom Ring, and Pastor Reginald F. Davis thanked everyone who supported the foundation. As mentioned in their mission statement, they conclude with the reminder that the work they do is to serve as an example to the nation. President Harshaw added, “It is an honor to serve our community and to do the work that recognizes the role of the historic First Baptist Church and its congregants here in Williamsburg. The Let Freedom Ring Foundation is committed to working with our partners in the community to continue uncovering this important history and sharing it so that we can understand and appreciate a more complete and inclusive American story.”