Voorhees learns to work for the benefit of all During the Voorhees College National Family History Month Celebration program, Academy Award winner Louis Gossett, Jr
Denmark, S.C.- During the Voorhees College National Family History Month Celebration program, Academy Award winner Louis Gossett, Jr. spoke on the importance of students working to make the world a better place for all. Gossett began his story, “interview style” of how he grew up in Brooklyn, NY, with Jaalen Williams-Butler, Voorhees Student Government Association (SGA) president.He said he lived in a close knit family neighborhood. “Everyone in my neighborhood took care of each other. If I were hungry and my parents were working late, I could go next door and eat choy, go across the street and eat Italian, or go around the block and have Irish food,” Gossett said. “Because of that society, I fight against any form of racism.”Williams-Butler proceeded to the next question relative to howGossett began his acting career. Gossett said it began after doing some work in the theatre. “I met with Sidney Poitier, he took me under his wings, and acting got into my blood stream. I know I made the right decision by stepping on the stage,”Gossett said.He said he was able to receive his calling from God. “I encourage students to recognize your own message from God and learn to seek Him out. The key is for young people to do what we elders did in the old days and do things for the benefit of all. Working for the benefit for all will save our world; there is no black or white, just mankind,” Gossett said. Gossett added that nothing is impossible. “I recommend that all students who believe something is getting in the way of your dreams to remember nothing is impossible. No matter how things used to be, things canchange and do not have to operate the same,” Gossett said.Williams-Butler asked Gossett what advice he would give this generation, and Gossett replied, “Besensitive to find out what you need in your life. I was put on this earth to become an actor and be involved.Open up your minds and discover what it is you all are here on earth to do