Voorhees receives a $1,500 donation from the Chapman Foundation, Inc.

Denmark, S.C.- Voorhees College was recently presented a check in the amount of $1,500 by theChapman Foundation, Inc. (CFi) in support ofscholarships for the mass communications department.Darren Martin, CFi executive director, andDerrick Green, accountant, recognized Voorheesas part of the foundation’s Historically BlackCollege and Universities (HBCU) initiative whichis currently focusing on assisting HBCUs in SouthCarolina.The CFi annual HBCU Tour visits institutions allover the country to cultivate developmentpartnerships. The initiative directly supportscreating and sustaining educational opportunitiesfor students who attend these institutions.The mission of the CFi is to provide training andassistance that will enhance lives and help solidifydreams. The organization was founded by Kimberly M. Chapman and her husband, William P. Chapman,Jr. Additionally, the Chapmans are also the founders of Chapman Products Co. and Sheen Magazine.Sheen Magazine is the ultimate beauty guide for the modern-day woman and a preeminent voice within thebeauty industry. Published bi-monthly, the nationally and internationally distributed publication hasconsistently proven to be a media influencer that provides the latest news and current trends within, butnot limited to, the world of beauty, fashion, hair, and entertainment.Dr. W. Franklin Evans, ninth president and CEO of Voorhees College, wants to build a strong partnershipwith Chapman and Sheen Magazine to provide additional experiences for students. “Sheen Magazine is a great company to work with our mass communication students to enhance their professional and great company to work with our mass communication students to enhance their professional and educational Development Evans Said
By: Voorhees College