Voorhees kicks off week three of Black History Month speaker series

Denmark, S.C.- Voorhees College prepares for virtual week three of “Blue Table Talk,” with a leadership and business focus featuring Dr. Dionne Mahaffey, business psychologist, author, technologist, and entrepreneur, and Melvin Carter, mayor of Saint Paul, Minn. on Thursday, Feb. 18 at 11 a.m. via the institution’s Facebook and YouTube channels
Mahaffey founded the Atlanta Chapter of The Awesome Foundation for the Arts and Sciences. This organization awards a monthly $1000 grant to individuals and groups in need of support for creative and innovative community-based projects. She has been featured on and in “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” CNN, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution, The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Modern Woman Magazine, Forbes Magazine, Essence Magazine, Black Enterprise Magazine, MTV, ABC News, E! True Hollywood Stories, and
Additionally, Mahaffey is the founder of Culture Greetings, an innovative greeting card platform. In 2015, she launched The WhereU app, a local business search app with a real-time leaderboard of black-owned businesses across categories. Her other apps include The Greek Gram and Divine 9 emojis, both iOS products.
She earned a bachelor’s degree from Auburn University, a doctorate in psychology from the Colorado School of Professional Psychology. She completed post-doctoral certification in personal leadership at Columbia University. Her talk show, “Let’s Talk Good
Business,” is a lively format of news, information, and dialogues with luminaries in all walks of business and
airs on WDJY 99.1 FM in Atlanta and Channel 36 in Washington, She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., The United Way’s Volunteer Involvement Program, Toastmasters, Jack and Jill of America, Inc., and The International Association of Coaching, to name a few. Mahaffey is the mother of two children, Ashanti and Nasir.
Carter is the 46th mayor of the city of Saint Paul after taking office in 2018. He has been leading an
“unapologetic” equity agenda, where he has achieved increasing Saint Paul’s minimum wage, tripling free
program in rec recreation centers; eliminating public libraries late fees, re-establishing an Affordable
Housing Trust Fund; expanding immigrant and refugee support resources, and launching an Office of
Financial Empowerment.
Some of his work includes training progressive activists and candidates in more than 30 states. In addition,
beginning January 2020, Carter created a signature program called CollegeBound, where every Saint Paul
child born in the city will receive a $50 college savings account. Before his election in 2017, Carter served as a Saint Paul City Council Member, founding board chair of the Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood, director of the Minnesota Office of Early Learning, and executive director of the Minnesota Children’s Cabinet.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Florida A&M University and a master’s
degree in public policy from the University of Minnesota. Carter resides with his wife, Dr. Sakeena FutrellCarter, and their children.
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